Strategic Planning & Progress Accountability

Taking Strategic Plans from Aspirational to Actionable

At Mission & Data, we believe what happens after the creation of your organization’s strategic plan is just as important as the design itself. We facilitate a mission-driven, community-centered, and data-informed design process to craft a strategic plan that captures the institution’s vision.

Once goals and objectives are identified, how do you make them actionable? Using a research-based, mission-driven process, we guide your leadership team through the creation of measurable outcomes and metrics, an action plan detailing all major stage gates, and an accountability blueprint for determining progress during implementation.

“Working with Mission & Data has been incredibly helpful to our school. As former independent school administrators and institutional researchers, they combine their knowledge for strategic systems thinking and data strategy to help us build a shared understanding around our goals and success outcomes. Designing goals and metrics, while building capacity and data literacy has already improved our school community.

Dr. Sarah Colmaire, Berkeley Hall School

Mission & Data’s Strategic Planning Framework can include:

  • Phase 1: Strategic Plan Design

  • Phase 2: Progress Accountability & Action Planning

  • Phase 3: Implementation Support